johann wolfgang goethe

johann wolfgang goethe 

So curly-tressed the head, so round! -
Whenever I amid your rich-grown hair
Full-handed roamed, and wandered here and there,
Happy in heart, what depth and health I found!
I'm kissing forehead, lips, and eyes, and brow -
Feel fresh - then wounded - don't know why or how.
My searching five-pronged comb - where should it stay?
Back to your hair, no more to stray-
Even your ear enjoys the play.
Not merely skin, nor merely flesh


"Clumsy, unwise - so high to set
Yourself when extra luck you get!"
The maiden didn't seem upset
But visited again, you bet.


The world entire is flne to look upon;
The grandeur-world of poets, though, outstanding.
On motley, bright, or silver-gray, or wan
Land-tract by day and night, there's light expanding ...
Radiant to me is all: may 't thus remain!
So glasses of my love today make plain.


In the year 1614 he reaches Constantinople, where his noble, engaging
character wins him the finest reception. As with his former studies, he
throws himself immediately into learning Oriental languages, attains an
overview of Turkish literature and of the manners and customs of the
country, and then leaves for Egypt, an early departure lamented by his newmade
friends. He utilizes the time spent in Egypt to seek out, with the
greatest determination, traces of the ancient world in the newer one. From
Cairo he marches to Mt. Sinai to venerate the tomb of Saint Catherine and
comes back, as if on a pleasure jaunt, to the Egyptian capital. Departing
from there a second time, after sixteen days he reaches Jerusalem, a hint to
our imagination about the true measure of the distance between the two
cities. There, worshiping at the Holy Tomb, he implores the Savior, as
earlier he had begged St. Catherine, to be delivered from his passion. The
scales fall from his eyes: what a fool he has been to regard this hitherto
adored woman as the only one meriting homage! His rejection of the
feminine sex has vanished. He looks for a spouse and writes to his friends,
whom he hopes to see again soon, to find one worthy.

johann wolfgang goethe johann wolfgang goethe Reviewed by Unknown on 04:13 Rating: 5

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